Tuesday, August 24, 2010



I've created this blog as a vehicle to provide yet another perspective on all things tech. I expect to focus on most of my areas of expertise: Mobile Computing, Speech Recognition, Software as a Service (SAAS)/Cloud Computing, and web application frameworks (particularly Grails, the framework for my current project). Hopefully I will have something of interest to you at some point. :-)

A brief biography: I'm a 38 year-old married father of two. I graduated from UT Austin with a EE degree in 1995. While at UT I had a variety of part-time jobs in areas including authoring automated psychoacoustic experiments, sonar software development, financial trading algorithms, and IEEE-1394 (Firewire) firmware programming. After graduating, my wife (who I met and married at UT) and I moved to Osaka, Japan, where I joined Matsushita Electric Works. While there, I worked on embedded software for building automation systems. We moved back to the US in 1997, where I was employed by AMD as a Systems Software Engineer, developing device drivers and OS ports for their embedded micro-controllers.

In January of 2000, I joined BeVocal, a startup founded by a friend and former Matsushita co-worker. BeVocal was focused on providing automated speech application solutions, and I did some of everything while I was there: speech application development, building of our VXML interpreter and telephony platform (which today hosts 100's of millions of calls per month), architecture, management of the team responsible for this platform and our BeVocal Cafe development environment, and bootstrapping of our first mobile application product (today known as "Nuance Mobile Care"). BeVocal was bought by Nuance in 2007, and my most recent work there was centered around management of our first Android port, and technical product integration of various mobile technologies that Nuance had acquired. Nuance and I parted ways this past June.

So that brings us to now! I am a co-founder at a startup called Infopixie, which aims to revolutionize how you get content from the web. I've had to jump head-first into the deep end and learn quickly about various "Web 3.0" technologies to gather content, learn about you and what you're interested in viewing, and provide you with a super easy way to view and manage your content. We have a tough problem to solve, but I really think we are moving in the right direction. I look forward to sharing more about Infopixie with you in the near future. (Let me know if you're interested in being a beta tester!)

If you have any topics you're interested in hearing more about, let me know. I look forward to chatting with you blog readers out there!

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